Changes to

3 months ago
updated apply.scroll
Changed around line 10: apply.parsers
- scrollForm
+ scrollForm /new
3 months ago
Updated claude.html
Changed around line 137
3 months ago
Updated apply.scroll
Changed around line 10: apply.parsers
+ scrollForm
3 months ago
Updated apply.scroll
Changed around line 6: apply.parsers
+ style font-size: 300%;
3 months ago
Updated apply.scroll
Changed around line 5: theme gazette
+ font Slim
3 months ago
Updated apply.scroll
Changed around line 4: theme gazette
+ # Apply to TechStars NYC
+ container 800px
3 months ago
Updated apply.scroll
Changed around line 1
- hello world
+ theme gazette
+ apply.parsers
+ classicForm
3 months ago
Updated 1.scroll
Changed around line 1
+ ../apply.parsers
Changed around line 11: twitter
Changed around line 22: solution The Scroll. A successor to the web that is public domain, intelligent,
Changed around line 33: funding no
3 months ago
Renamed application.parsers to apply.parsers
3 months ago
Updated application.parsers
Changed around line 1
+ firstNameDefParser
+ cue firstName
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What is your first name?
+ float sortIndex 1
+ boolean isMeasure true
+ boolean isMeasureRequired true
+ boolean isConceptDelimiter true
+ lastNameDefParser
+ cue lastName
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What is your last name?
+ float sortIndex 1.1
+ emailDefParser
+ cue email
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What is your email address?
+ float sortIndex 1.2
+ titleDefParser
+ cue title
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What is your title?
+ float sortIndex 1.3
+ currentLocationDefParser
+ cue currentLocation
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description Where are you currently located?
+ float sortIndex 1.4
+ linkedInUrlDefParser
+ cue linkedInUrl
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What is your LinkedIn URL?
+ float sortIndex 1.5
+ twitterDefParser
+ cue twitter
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What is your Twitter handle?
+ float sortIndex 1.6
+ phoneDefParser
+ cue phone
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What is your phone number?
+ float sortIndex 1.7
+ dobDefParser
+ cue dob
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What is your date of birth?
+ float sortIndex 1.8
+ genderDefParser
+ cue gender
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What is your gender?
+ float sortIndex 1.9
+ lgbtqDefParser
+ cue lgbtq
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description Do you identify as LGBTQ+?
+ float sortIndex 2
+ raceDefParser
+ cue race
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What is your race?
+ float sortIndex 2.1
+ startupDefParser
+ cue startup
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What is the name of your startup?
+ float sortIndex 2.2
+ startupUrlDefParser
+ cue startupUrl
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What is your startup’s website URL?
+ float sortIndex 2.3
+ foundedDefParser
+ cue founded
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description When was your startup founded?
+ float sortIndex 2.4
+ problemDefParser
+ cue problem
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What problem is your startup solving?
+ float sortIndex 2.5
+ solutionDefParser
+ cue solution
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What is your startup's solution to the problem?
+ float sortIndex 2.6
+ incorporatedDefParser
+ cue incorporated
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description Is your startup incorporated?
+ float sortIndex 2.7
+ industriesDefParser
+ cue industries
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What industries does your startup operate in?
+ float sortIndex 2.8
+ demoVideoDefParser
+ cue demoVideo
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description Do you have a demo video?
+ float sortIndex 2.9
+ introVideoDefParser
+ cue introVideo
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description Do you have an introduction video?
+ float sortIndex 3
+ whyWinningTeamDefParser
+ cue whyWinningTeam
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description Why is your team the winning team?
+ float sortIndex 3.1
+ whereDefParser
+ cue where
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description Where is your startup based?
+ float sortIndex 3.2
+ tractionDefParser
+ cue traction
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What traction has your startup achieved?
+ float sortIndex 3.3
+ revenueDefParser
+ cue revenue
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What is your current revenue?
+ float sortIndex 3.4
+ revenueTrailing6DefParser
+ cue revenueTrailing6
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What was your revenue over the last 6 months?
+ float sortIndex 3.5
+ fundingDefParser
+ cue funding
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description How much funding have you raised?
+ float sortIndex 3.6
+ businessModelDefParser
+ cue businessModel
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What is your business model?
+ float sortIndex 3.7
+ targetMarketDefParser
+ cue targetMarket
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description Who is your target market?
+ float sortIndex 3.8
+ competitorsDefParser
+ cue competitors
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description Who are your competitors?
+ float sortIndex 3.9
+ competitiveAdvantageDefParser
+ cue competitiveAdvantage
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What is your competitive advantage?
+ float sortIndex 4
+ whyNowDefParser
+ cue whyNow
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description Why is now the right time for your startup?
+ float sortIndex 4.1
+ customerAcquisitionStrategyDefParser
+ cue customerAcquisitionStrategy
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What is your customer acquisition strategy?
+ float sortIndex 4.2
+ nextMilestonesDefParser
+ cue nextMilestones
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What are your next milestones?
+ float sortIndex 4.3
+ whoRecommendedYouDefParser
+ cue whoRecommendedYou
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description Who recommended you?
+ float sortIndex 4.4